So here are my New Year's Resolutions:
- I resolve to date better in 2008. How I managed to date two men with serious drinking problems last year is beyond me but that won't happen again. Oh, and to the one I know who still reads my blog, I have one word for you...karma. And you better hope I don't run into you in the grocery store ever again because I might just run you over with my cart next time.
- I resolve to cut back on the diet coke in 2008. I don't do drugs or smoke so in the scheme of things, if diet coke is my worst vice, I think I'm doing okay but I know I should cut back a little.
- I resolve to go out more in 2008. I do a lot in New York but when you live alone, it's easy to loose motivation to go out sometimes. This year, I will not let myself get sucked into watching reruns of The Hills when I can be out doing something fantastic!
- I resolve to go to yoga more in 2008. I love yoga but I hate my gym so this year, I'm going to cancel my gym membership and find a yoga studio near my apartment so I have no excuse not to go when it's cold and rainy.
- I resolve to take a class in 2008. I always say I'm going to do this but never do so this year I will try to take a refresher course in French, finally learn CAD and how to make jewelry. Oh, and maybe a watercolor class too but that might be pushing it.
- I resolve to get my tear sheets organized in 2008. I have a million tear sheets sitting in cute little boxes under my couch and bed but when I can never find an article when I go to look for it so I will definitely need to come up with a new system.
- I resolve to cut back on the shopping in 2008. I already have a closet stuffed with clothes I don't wear so I'm going to clean it out and sell what I can on eBay and stop buying things I don't need. Good thing I bought those super on sale Christian Louboutin flats at Barney's yesterday when it was still 2007 ;-)
- I resolve to finish one book before buying another in 2008. This is probably my worst vice. I am always in the middle of at least two books at once and sometimes I never end up finishing them but this needs to stop. I also need to get rid of some books because I'm running out of space for them! But I did make room for one more, Write It Down, Make It Happen, and you should too!

In addition to making resolutions this year, I'm going to take a page out of Patricia Gray's book and write down what I want to happen in 2008. So here goes...
- I will find a new job in 2008. I think you already know this one but it's my number one goal for the new year. I've had a few people approach me but now I plan to contact everyone I know and start networking like there's no tomorrow. I know that I will find something this year whether it's working for a great designer or a magazine because I am going to make it happen!
- I will find a new boyfriend in 2008. There has got to be one normal single man in New York who appreciates art and design and who isn't gay and I know this is the year I will find him! If anyone knows any who are in the 30-40 year old range, feel free to send them my way! I'm currently accepting applications.
- I will spend my birthday in Paris in 2008. This was my plan last year but that never ended up happening so even if I have to go by myself, I'm going. But perhaps my new boyfriend would want to spend a long weekend in Paris this April. Or maybe I should organize a blogger weekend away. If anyone wants to go to Paris, let me know.
- I will move downtown in 2008. I really have to stop talking about how much I want to live in the West Village and just do it. Maybe my new job will pay me enough to afford the rent or I'll find a reasonably priced place. Whatever the case, I want to leave the Upper East Side, if for no other reason that to stop running into that wanker in Gristedes.
- I will be really happy in 2008! I know it's going to be the best year ever!
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