Today, I found the most beyond chic blog that I am still obsessing over!
Hollister Hovey's eponymous blog is like visiting the best vintage store where you want to buy everything in sight! It's a place where Hemingway, Osa and Martin Johnson, Amelia Earhart, The Duke of Windsor, Ralph Lauren, and The Royal Tenenbaums would all feel at home.

Her back story is not unlike a lot of creative types who get sidetracked, in her case by reporting for Dow Jones Newswires and now healthcare PR, neither of which have anything to do with design, which she leaves that for her nights.

"I've always been aesthetically obsessed with war-era design - a gift handed down from my mom. She grew up in Nebraska but always dreamed of working for a New York fashion magazine. After college she applied for a Conde Nast internship -- and a summer program at Radcliffe. She didn't get the former and it broke her heart. But she went off to Cambridge and through that program, ironically got hired as an editor at (now defunct) Mademoiselle. She met my dad at one of Fern Malice's (the one who runs fashion week) parties. My dad grew up in Old Westbury, but spent most of his youth in boarding school and then traveling exotically...ran a gold mine in Bolivia, took a boat of cattle to the Philippines and then lived on an Afrikaner farm in South Africa."

"Together, they moved back to the Midwest shortly after the wedding, had my sister Porter (above) and me and raised us (and dressed us) with their New York ideals. I spent a good portion of grade school in Ralph Lauren blazers with my classmates saying I looked 40 (I was a foot taller than everyone, so this was practically true)."

"Porter and I both moved to New York after our respective college years and now live together in a loft in Williamsburg. Porter's a freelance photographer (
www.porterhovey.com) and I occasionally take on watercolor-based design projects, most notably a few package designs and a knitting guide book for Anthropologie. One day I hope to open a store in Brooklyn."

I know you all are going to love Hollister's blog as much as I do, epecially the charming stories and photos of her wonderful family and loft. I told her that she must open a store. She has a perfect eye and great taste and if anyone can persuade me visit Brooklyn, it just might be her!
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