As most of you can probably tell, I'm a very curious person. I always love to hear the story of how someone became the person that they are today and I especially love to hear about how their childhood influenced them in their future choice of careers. I've been reading a lot of books lately and interviewing designers and so many of them tell similar stories. Many were fascinated by the design process when a designer was working on their house growing up. Thad Hayes used to sit in on all the meetings with the decorator his mother hired didn't even know you could make a living at it until then. Others as young children used to rearrange all the furniture and pick out the paint colors for their room. At fourteen, David Netto upholstered his entire room in green velvet. Some followed their parents to flea markets and tag sales like Albert Hadley who used to go antiquing with his mother and aunts. I remember my mother wallpapering our living room many times so it's no wonder where I ended up in design.
Now it's your turn. How do you think your childhood influenced your career path? Did sewing clothes for your dolls lead you to pursue fashion design? Were you also redecorating your room growing up and now decorating for clients? I'm curious!
Photo of Janet de Botton's home in Vogue Living: Houses, Gardens, People via {this is glamorous} has nothing to do with this story except that I thought it was very pretty!
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